We’re inspiring future farm vets

We’re inspiring future farm vets

FARM vets of the future have been left feeling excited and inspired about what lies ahead after being given an insight into the profession.

The 16 final year university students from across the UK attended the VetPartners Summer Farm Vet Academy, which was organised by Calweton Vets, Penbode Vets, Rosevean Vets and Cornwall Dairy Vets.

Farm vets from across the practices each led a variety of practical sessions and discussions on topics ranging from sheep management and flock health, surgical anatomy, clinical vaccination on a dairy farm and advice on how to thrive in the veterinary profession.

The academy was held at Calweton Veterinary Group’s training facilities in Callington, Cornwall, with experienced farm vets Stuart Gough and Michael Head leading the course.

It also gave students an opportunity to speak to our farm vets and find out what it’s like working in our farm practices.

Michael said: “The academy was a fantastic opportunity for students considering a career in farm practice to gain hands-on experience and get an insight into what it takes to be a farm vet to help them decide whether it is something they would want to pursue after graduating.

“We also had a session with our new graduate vets where students could ask questions and get advice about transitioning from being at university into starting their first practice roles.

“We were really pleased with the success of the first summer farm academy last year and are glad we got to do it again this year. It’s not only a great opportunity for us to inspire future farm vets but it’s also an excellent chance for us to collaborate across practices too.”

Becca Langford, who is studying veterinary medicine at the University of Surrey, was one of the students who took part in the academy.

Becca said: “I’ve always wanted to be a farm vet and having attended the academy I’m now even more excited to begin a career in large animal after I graduate.

“The academy was a great opportunity for me to practice skills such as anaesthesia techniques that I’ve never done before and put things into practice that I’ve been studying at university.

Mollie Higgins, who is studying at Warsaw University of Life Sciences in Poland, also attended the academy.

Mollie said: “I’ve absolutely loved my time at the academy, I’ve learnt so much from all the sessions and feel like I’ve come away feeling much more confident about starting my first role in farm practice after I graduate.

“I really enjoyed the session on uterine torsion during calving, this is something I’ve been quite nervous about doing but the vet who ran the session gave me some very useful feedback and I now feel much more confident about doing these in the future.

“It was great chatting to like-minded people who share the same interest in large animal as I do. I really

 enjoyed the whole experience and now feel really positive about taking up a career in farm animal.”

There was also the opportunity for students to relax and have some fun with a game of rounders in fancy dress and a chance for to socialise and share experiences.


Article written by Rachel Neill, PR & Communications Executive. rachel.neill@vetpartners.co.uk