New lease of life for veteran pet after football-sized lump removed from groin

New lease of life for veteran pet after football-sized lump removed from groin

A DOG owner has praised Manchester Vet Centre for giving her much-loved pet a new lease of life after removing a lump the size of a football from his groin.

Zeus, a 12-year-old Border Collie underwent surgery at Manchester Vet Centre, which is part of Willows Veterinary Group, to remove an enormous mass weighing 1.6kg.

Thanks to the care, skills and expertise of the team, Zeus has made a full recovery. Now his owner Hayley Tucker and the veterinary team have joined forces to highlight the benefits of regular health checks, especially for older pets.

Vet and clinical director Dr Alex Schofield said Mrs Tucker brought Zeus to the practice in Haughton Green, Greater Manchester, because she was worried about a lump on his side. During the examination, a small swelling was also identified in his groin, but after discussing the options with the vet, Mrs Tucker decided they should operate on the first lump because it was suspected it could be cancerous.

After Zeus had recovered from surgery, Mrs Tucker took him back for a check-up, where it was discovered the lump in his groin had grown rapidly.

Dr Schofield said: “Zeus recovered very well from his first procedure, but his owner noticed he was moving more slowly and found it difficult to get comfortable when laying down. They brought him in so we could take another look at his groin and, because the mass had increased in size considerably, they asked us to remove it to make Zeus as comfortable as possible.

“The surgery took about an hour and it was a delicate procedure as I had to carefully cut around the lump while keeping as much skin intact as possible so the wound could be closed. There are also important structures in that area that you have to be careful to avoid.”

Luckily, both the lumps in Zeus’s groin and on his side were non-cancerous fatty tumours known as lipomas. However, Dr Schofield said if the lump in the groin had been left to grow it could have impinged on other important internal organs and, as well as making it uncomfortable for Zeus to move around, it would have affected his ability to pass urine.

Dr Schofield added: “We treat many pets with lumps and tumours but this is one of the biggest I have ever seen.

“Older pets in particular can be prone to developing lumps, both externally and internally, and regular vet checks are a good idea. You can also check your pet yourself when you groom them and doing this regularly helps you learn what’s normal for their body and you can feel for any unusual lumps or bumps. If you find something you’re not sure about, give your vet practice a call for advice.”

Mrs Tucker says Zeus is much happier and livelier since the lump was removed and praised the Manchester Vet Centre team for the care they gave to him.

Mrs Tucker said: “Since the lump was removed from his groin, Zeus has been like a different dog and he’s much more comfortable. He’s enjoying going for walks again and he’s been more keen to play with his favourite octopus and badger toys. He’s like a puppy, really.

“We are so grateful to Manchester Vet Centre for looking after him so well. We live a few miles away from the practice but we always come here because we trust the team and they look after Zeus so well.

“Having regular vet checks means things like lumps or other health issues can be spotted early and you can get the right advice. It was shocking how quickly the lump inside Zeus grew, so it’s really important to keep an eye on your pet, and we can see how much happier he is now he’s not carrying such a huge weight around.”